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I have been taking Stratos CBD 1000 Full Spectrum for four months to help with the inflammation caused by rheumatoid arthritis. The CBD in conjunction with my medication has made a significant improvement in my pain level. I highly recommend this product. - Laurie M.
How to Purchase. To purchase this strain, log First and last line on this plate demonstrate a 0:1 CBD:THC ratio. While the both in the middle are more around a 1:1 CBD:THC ratio.
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Formerly: Rideau Softgel. Store in cool and dry conditions. Every Aphria product that leaves CBD 15:1 Tincture (CBD) – Colorado Weedery Stratos CBD 15:1 Tincture (CBD) Description MCT oil-based, high-CBD tincture with minimal THC for a therapeutic effect. 0.67mg THC & 10mg CBD per 4mL serving; 10 Stratos CBD Tincture - 15:1 CBD:THC tincture review ⋆ Medible The Stratos CBD Tincture has a 15:1 ratio of CBD to THC derived from a Hybrid strain. The serving size is listed as 3ml, which is 3 full droppers, and contains 5mg of CBD and 0.33mg of THC. The onset of the Stratos CBD Tincture is quite rapid, I was overtaken with a pleasant “stillness” within a few minutes. 15 Cannabis Strains High In Cannabidiol (CBD) – The Chill Bud A cross between Cannatonic and Afghan Skunk, Remedy is a true to form ‘medical strain’. With a 15:1 CBD:THC ratio, this is a very unique strain.
CBD CBD/THC Suppository for Antimicrobial and Probiotic- Primal Botanicals. Rated 0 out of 5 $ 55.00 Add to cart. CBD CBD/THC Suppository for PMS – Primal Botanicals. Rated CBD DIREKT- CBD ÖL + Astaxanthin & Vitamin K2 | CBD BESTELLEN | CBD ÖL 5% + Astaxanthin & Vitamin K2, 10ml. Das CDB-Öl in diesem Produkt hat eine Konzentration von 5%. Das CBD-Extrakt weist die weltweit höchste Reinheit von 99,5 % auf.
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